Birth Data Name * First Name Last Name Email * Birth Chart Data Please provide your date, time and location of birth so we can calculate your "Big Three" (Sun/Moon/Rising Signs) Date of Birth MM DD YYYY Time of Birth Exact time preferred, include AM/PM (If unknown, choose 12:00 pm) Location of Birth (City/State or City/Country if not US) Is your time of birth confirmed via a birth certificate or other official documentation? Yes No If "no," please describe the source of your birth time i.e. parent's memory, baby book, birth announcement -- or anything to help narrow it down -- like "it was the middle of the night" or "the doc got to make their tee time" :) Can’t wait to see you at your astro event!In the meantime, see what Threshold Astrology is all about, what we offer and what’s with that onion logo.